Torakan Training

“Karate is, and always has been, a method of self-defense, never a technique of aggression. However, it is much more than that. To the dedicated student, it is a form of combined physical and mental discipline from which a student can learn the value of personal attributes such as kindness and sincerity...”
Derived from Masatoshi Nakayama Sensei’s ‘Best Karate’ series.
“Karate is, and always has been, a method of self-defense, never a technique of aggression. However, it is much more than that. To the dedicated student, it is a form of combined physical and mental discipline from which a student can learn the value of personal attributes such as kindness and sincerity...”
Derived from Masatoshi Nakayama Sensei’s ‘Best Karate’ series.

Training is held in the rear admin building of the Devonport Sports Complex, 34 Forbes St, Devonport. Parking via Charles St. All skill levels welcome.
Training sessions
Kids - Tuesday 4.30 - 5.30 pm
Basics - Tuesday 5.30 - 6.30 pm
Advanced - Tuesday 6.30 - 7.30 pm
Basics - Thursday 5.30 - 6.30 pm
All ages are welcome. The classes have a mixture of children, teenagers and adults - children are better if they are at least 6 but that depends on how focused they are. Any level can join in - the more advanced add combinations and effort to each move, while the beginners work on the basics.
Classes are $10. The first class is free - come along and join in, see how you like it.
Torakan dojo rules & etiquette
- Good manners and respect must be shown to the instructors and the each other at all times.
- When entering or leaving the training area, stop and perform a standing bow into the area.
- Greet the instructors with a bow.
- Dress in a smart manner and when possible in the karate gi or uniform.
- Be sure to attend classes clean and tidy, with clean, short finger and toe nails.
- Be sure to attend classes ina timely manner (not late).
- If you are late for class, wait at the side of the class to ask the sensei if you may practice. The sensei is not obligated to accept your request.
- Jewellery should not be worn when training, for your protection and that of your fellow students.
- No food is to be brought into the Dojo, no eating or chewing of gum.
- Mobile phones are to be switched off before entering the Dojo.
- When called to order, form a line with the highest grade on the right hand side. When all students are the same grade, then the eldest student will be on the right hand side.
- When the line is formed and the Instructor is in place and ready, the senior student will call the class to order and all will bow to the instructor who will return the bow.
- At all times, in the Dojo, the chief instructor will be addressed as Sensei (one who shows the way or teacher) and assistant instructors as Sempei.
- No fighting or sparring will take place except under the direction of the Instructor.
- If you need assistance or help, or to leave the Dojo, approach the Sensei and stand quietly, with feet together, until he addresses you.
- Parents are free to watch the lesson but are requested not to speak to or distract the students during a lesson.
- When facing a partner for sparring or to apply a technique, bow to each other at the beginning and at the end.
This is not a complete list of rules and others may be brought to the attention of the students at any time.
While these rules may seem formal, they help instil a sense of respect and discipline necessary in an art which may, if taken lightly, be dangerous.
Any student behaving in a disrespectful or dangerous manner will be asked to leave the floor. Loss of temper or bad language will not be tolerated for any reason. Any dispute should be brought to the attention of the Instructor.