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Torakan Karate-Do

Karate Essence ‘Reality Check’ Fumikomi Geri & Kansetsu Geri/Stomping Kicks

Karate Essence

‘Reality Check’


    by T.D. McKinnon Shihan

Editing by Zoё Lake

Fumikomi Geri & Kansetsu Geri: Stomping Kicks and lower joint attacks


This month’s ‘Reality Check’ is really a combination of techniques that use a double action motion.

Lifting the knee and driving, or thrusting the foot at the target; and striking with the heel, or outside edge, of the foot close to the heel.

I began with the idea of comparing, what the Japanese call Fumikomi Geri, the stomping kick, as performed by whatever martial art/style executes this kind of kick.  However, I quickly realised that what various arts call ‘a Stomping or Stamping Kick’, diverges quite considerably.  And, in fact, there are even very few Japanese Karate styles that perform Fumikomi in the manner that I, from my Shotokan roots, considered to be the standard Fumikomi or Stomping/Stamping Kick



Table of Contents

  •          A Self-Defence or a Fighting Technique

  •          Wushu Self-Defence Stomp Kick

  •          Cobra Self-Defence Foot Stomp

  •          Muay Thai Low Teep

  •          Kenpo Stomp Kick 

  •          Wing Chun Stomping Kick

  •          Jeet Kun Do Dum Tek

  •          Goju Ryu Kansetsu Geri & Fumikomi Geri

  •          Shotokan Fumikomi Geri & Kansetsu Geri

  •          Torakan Eye View

  •          Conclusion


Self-Defence or Fighting Technique

Fumikomi Geri (stamping kick) raises the knee to stamp down, generally, on the opponent’s leg or foot, driving all the way to the floor.  Kansetsu Geri (joint attack kick) is a similar kick; but more what I would call a ‘Gedan Yoko Kekomi Geri’ (a lower level thrusting kick).  Most of the Stomping or Stamping Kicks from the styles outside of ‘Shotokan associated circles’ seem to be more similar to the Kansetsu Geri execution rather than my understanding of the Fumikomi implementation. 

And so, I have widened my ‘Reality Check’ for this month to include any kicks that have a double action type motion which targets from the waist down; hip joint, thigh, knee, foot or, if the opponent has been taken to the ground, head and body.

Because of the nature of this kick I would put it clearly in the Self-defence class; although, having said that, I am including a Muay Thai version also.  This version would also be useful in a Self-defence situation; in fact, with a slightly different intent, this version of a Stomping Kick could very well be quite damaging.  



Wushu Self-Defence Stomp Kick

Wushu is the generic name for the Chinese martial arts, a bit like Karate is for the Japanese; and Wushu has become somewhat synonymous with its ‘sporting competition’.  There are widespread tournaments and a world championships – much like, say, the ‘World Karate Federation’ (WKF) or the ‘International Sport Karate Association’ (ISKA) – where the innumerable styles of Kung Fu compete in a method of ‘full contact’ combat, called ‘Sanda’.  They also compete in ‘forms’ (Kata) that are called Taolu.


Not unlike Karate, self-defence is of course at the very root of Chinese traditional Kung Fu and the following link will take you to a very good tutorial of a Wushu version of a Self-defence Stomp Kick



Cobra Self-Defence System Foot Stomp

In the USA, Cobra is a nationally licensed self-defence system developed by Chris Sutton, a former law enforcement Officer, who owns and operates the ‘United Martial Arts Academy.’

Developed and taught by a former law enforcement officer, ‘Cobra Self-Defense’ is based on law enforcement type training, and designed soley to handle encounters with antagonists determined to commit criminal assault upon your person.

I don’t know enough about this martial arts system to comment on its philosophy or indeed the validity of its training.  However, from my research, it appears to approach the subject of assault and defending yourself by being ready psychologically for the possibility; and physically training the body to be able to put up a fight.  They also encourage the use of every dirty little trick to ensure survival at any cost; and I have heard it likened to Krav Maga, which I have seen a little more of and hold some respect for.  Certainly, this Foot Stomp From the Cobra Self Defence System has the right idea.



 Muay Thai Low Teep

This kick is a very much underrated double action kick that can keep you out of trouble and set up opportunities to deliver a crucial, devastating technique.


In the combat ring sport of Muay Thai, the Low ‘Teep or Push-kick’ is directed at the thigh and hip; and its main objective is to spoil any oncoming progress of your opponent and, for speed, is mostly performed by the front leg.

However, in Self-defence, you can use either leg and I would be more inclined to target the knee joint, hip joint, and groin, making it a most effective stalling technique; and to set up a decisive finishing technique.

The following link, demonstrating its strategic use in the ring, will give you an idea of its tactical ability to successfully repel an antagonist: Muay Thai Low Teep.



Kenpo Stomp Kick Basic

Both Kempo and Kenpo, with their roots in Kosho Ryu, have a practical view of most techniques.  Kempo is still very much steeped in the Zen Buddhism philosophy; while Kenpo, with its establishment mainly in the USA, has taken on a western flavour, and focuses very much on training for practicality.  The Stomp-kick is no exception.  From a Kenpo school, the following link is a straight forward, unsituated (without context), tutorial of the basic Stomp-Kick.  



Wing Chun Basic Stomp Kick

Wing Chun is a martial arts style characterised by its focus on close-quarter combat, rapid-fire punches, and straightforward efficiency.  Basically, its philosophy emphasises controlling the centreline, which is accomplished using simultaneous attack and defence strategy, and using an opponent's force against them. 

Wing Chun was brought to Hong Kong from mainland China by Ip Man in 1950; and Bruce Lee was his most famous student.  The Wing Chun Stomp Kick is not unlike the Muay Thai Low Teep; and the following link will take you to a short practical tutorial on the basic Wing Chun Stomp Kick



Jeet Kun Do - Basic Stomp Kick/Dum Tek

Jeet Kun Do founder, of course most of you will know, was the late great Bruce Lee.  JKD is known for its very practical application of real world Self-defence.  Bruce Lee’s early martial arts training was in Wing Chun, under the guidance of Ip Man; and so it is no surprise that – as you will see from the following short, practical Jeet Kun Do Basic Stomp Kick/Dum Tek tutorial the JKD Stomp Kick is clearly very similar to the Wing Chun Stomp Kick. 



Goju Ryu Kansetsu Geri & Fumikomi Geri

Goju Ryu practise both Kansetsu Geri (low joint kicks) and Fumikomi Geri (stomping kicks) in their Kata, in their Kihon, and in their self-defence training.

Traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate aims to teach humility, discipline and all the lessons of Karate-Do that will assist the student inside and outside the dojo, helping them to lead a good life.  However, perfection of techniques is part of the whole of Goju Ryu Karate-Do, and Self-defence is one of its main physical goals.


The following link will take you to a Goju Ryu, unsituated, tutorial on Kansetsu Geri and Fumikomi Geri. 



Shotokan Fumikomi Geri Kansetsu Geri

Shotokan Karate-Do employs a number of these kinds of kicks.  Considered too dangerous, they are not used in the type of competition Kumite that is associated with Shotokan; however, Fumikomi Geri, and Kansetsu Geri or Gedan Sokuto Geri are widely practised and demonstrated in many Shotokan Kata, and their use is encouraged for adverse Self-defence situations.

While working in high-risk security, for thirty years, I have personally utilised the above kicks in numerous adverse situations, and can attest to their adept usefulness.

The following link will give you a general understanding of the practicality of this month’s ‘Reality Check’ subject, in respect to Shotokan Karate, with some practical demonstrations of Fumikomi Geri, and Kansetsu Geri or Gedan Sokuto Geri.  The following link is another short, practical demonstrational tutorial of Fumikomi Geri and Kansetsu Geri. 



Torakan Eye View

The Torakan Dojo practises Fumikomi Geri and Kansetsu Geri throughout various Shotokan Kata; for instance: Jion (Fumikomi Geri) and Bassai Dai (Kansetsu Geri) to name just two of many.  These techniques are also practised in Kihon and in Jiyu Ippon Kumite.  However, self-defence is our main physical function at the Torakan Dojo, and we pay special attention to our self-defence practise for these techniques: where and how they can be utilised to best advantage in adverse situations.

I mentioned in the introductory paragraphs that my original idea of the Fumikomi Geri was formed from my Shotokan roots.  Since those early beginnings, and with my involvement with various other arts, plus thirty years of practical application in the high-risk security industry, my concept of the Stomping Kick has broadened considerably.  And, as with many of the ‘Reality Check’ techniques, I have adopted and adapted some of the various stomping applications I have come across.  Those applications I considered to be practical and useful, in the area of self-defence, have become part of the ‘Torakan way’.

As per usual, the following links will take you to some short clips, demonstrating just some scenarios of how we at the Torakan Dojo apply this month’s ‘Reality Check’ techniques, practically. Remember that this is Self-Defence training and these are adverse Self-Defence scenarios.




In conclusion, in my experience and through my research into the Stomping Kick – as an all styles practical self-defence technique – I believe that Fumikomi Geri and Kansetsu Geri, in all of their various versions, are indeed worthwhile self-defence tools.  Also, as I have said about many of our ‘Reality Check’ techniques, they are well worthwhile to have in your personal self-defence arsenal; and Your Mushin will thank you for the installation of these applications to your treasure chest.  




Thank You

A big thank you to our demonstrators from the Torakan Dojo; without whose assistance of course the ‘Reality Check’ Blog would be sadly lacking.  Assisting me this month were Alan, Tyler, Rahul, Anthony, and Kelly. 


Thank You to the Readers

As always, thank you for following the Karate Essence 'Reality Check' Blog post.

Thank you also for continuing to support the launch of my latest book, ‘A Budōka Odyssey’.  The reviews continue to be excellent!




Top reviews from the United Kingdom

Carl Slee

5.0 out of 5 stars 

‘A Fascinating Book’

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 23 October 2024

Verified Purchase

A fascinating book, and not just for those interested in martial arts. Although if you are, this is one of those rare books that will help in not just the development of karate skills but in the facilitation of those psychological states (rarely discussed) of the true karateka.

From early childhood to the present day, Shihan McKinnon shares his adventures as, Truant, Soldier, Nightclub bouncer and Bodyguard as well as Business man but always as a fighter. And in this book he shares with us the ‘gifts’ and ‘Lessons’ that come from such a ‘life worth lived’.

A rare book, in that I found myself re-reading pages, chapters or passages over and over to further understand how such insights related to my own life. And this is the ‘gift’ of this book, I think that each person, whatever gender, age or interest will find something at some point within it, that is very personal and that will reverberate for them, long after reading.

Thank you Shihan



Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 20 July 2024

I have to say that I found this book to be compulsive reading. For someone who was born and raised in the West of Scotland I was immediately drawn to T.D. McKinnon’s Scottish roots. He writes in such a concise and realistic manner. As someone with no knowledge of karate and martial arts, I have nevertheless found the main themes of the book easy to follow and this has made me review experiences drawn from my own life. The concept of ‘gifts and lessons’ applies to all life, not just karate. I would recommend this book to anyone, particularly those who are deeply involved in a sport of any kind, and who is striving to be the best person they can be.  Read, learn and enjoy.

Thank you for this book, T.D. McKinnon.





Top review from Australia


Reviewed in Australia on 28 May 2024

Written by a man who has lived the life of a modern warrior. His ability to recognise the lessons and gifts in any situation and the having the humility to seek out those who can help you better yourself are important traits we should all endeavour to achieve not just in our own martial arts’ odyssey but in life.




Top review from the United States

Minimal shopper

5.1 out of 5 stars

‘A Fine Man Shares a Life of Budō’


Reviewed in the United States on May 18, 2024

Verified Purchase


At over 500 pages there is a lot of content in this autobiographical journey.  A quick overview is as follows:

Author Shihan TD McKinnon has had ALOT of fights in his life; starting under the age of 6! He tells the narrative of his life through all those fights and what he learned about himself and life along the way. I appreciate that he doesn’t make self-defense fighting seem glamorous and one sided. He talks about injuries, dangers, and making alternate choices to physical violence as a reality.

This book emphasizes lessons like ‘never quit’, ‘move on to the next venture’, ‘stay in the moment and learn what you can along the way’. I recommend it for young and old, karate people and non-karate folks. He carries the journey into today with a very relevant subject - training and aging. Take it on your next plane trip, or beach vacation. And if you’re a karate instructor, you can work it into your teaching. This book does not disappoint!


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