Karate Essence - Oss/Osu

Whether to Oss/Osu or Not Debate by T.D.McKinnon

There has been a rash of articles, of late, on the dojo/gym/studio term of Osu/Oss… While I agree, in part, with some portions of those articles I find myself disagreeing, for the most part, with much of what has been said on the subject; which has prompted me to write this article.
Table of Contents:
The dictionary meaning of Osu.
The etymology of Osu as it relates to the dojo use.
The Professor Dr. Mizutani Osamu Theory of Osu.
The Kyokushin Explanation of Osu.
The Military Explanation.
My Personal Understanding of Osu in Regard to Reiho.
Respect is part of Reiho.
The rights and wrongs of Osu.
Osu is OK.
Osu Should Not Be an Issue.
Definitive Impasse.